Verind Spa

Via Papa Giovanni Xxiii 25/29
20053 Rodano (MI) Italy

Phone: +39 02 9595171

About us

For more than 60 years, VERIND is active in the field of finishing treatments, transfer of fluids (even semi-solid), ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis.

VERIND is part of the Dürr Group.

Our facility in Rodano (Milan) spread over a total area of 9,100 m2 for offices, workshop and laboratory (3,000 m2 covered area and offices 1,500 m2). VERIND directly involves more than 50 employees. Sales and technical support are also handled by local offices in Turin, Vicenza, Modena, Aquino and by agents and antennas in Italy, Turkey, Poland, Brazil, Serbia.

The strong investments in research and development, the membership with the Dürr Group, as well as the experience from ongoing collaboration with leading companies in each specialization, identify Verind as authoritative partner and supplier for all companies of the different sectors and sizes, increasingly oriented and sensitive to the new eco technologies.

VERIND is a dynamic and ever-changing company, always able to fit the expectations of those who use a flexible production, and the market trends. In our modern laboratories of Milan and the Technical Center of Stuttgart all customers can test the validity of the technical proposals.


